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Hoorah! We have reached March and that can only mean one thing; winter is nearly over! So, with spring just around the corner, why not turn over a new leaf and use CoventryConferences’ state-of-the-art conference centre? Our conference centre is in full bloom, with light and airy facilities, boasting heaps of natural light and easily accessible conference rooms with newly upgraded up-to-date technology. Posted: 1/3/22
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, there is no better way to spend time together and celebrate with your colleagues. Valentine’s Day offers the perfect chance to show your colleagues how much you appreciate them and use this day as an opportunity to increase employee engagement, boost morale and share positivity whether this is In-Person, Virtually or Hybrid. Posted: 27/1/22
CoventryConferences have witnessed the current trend for hybrid conferencing and events are paramount to our customers. We all know just how important the audio-visual experience is for any event. It often provides those ‘wow’ moments at conferences; the moments that truly connect audiences with the key messages and purpose. Posted: 15/12/21
Winter officially starts on the 21st of December but the end of November is definitely the unofficial start of winter. The weather outside is changing, the daylight hours are shorter, the leaves have fallen and are buried under ice and snow and the radio is playing all our favourite festive hits, meaning one thing…IT'S CHRISTMAS. Posted: 24/11/21
The days are getting shorter, the air temperature has dropped and the leaves have changed colour which means that one of our favourite days is just around the corner, Halloween. Halloween has become one of the UK's most eagerly anticipated days, one which is as loved by kids eager to go pumpkin picking and trick-or-treating, as it is with adults to curl up on the sofa and watch their favourite horror movies. Posted: 27/10/21
Leisurely lunches are not often something we are able to enjoy due to our professional commitments but if there is ever a time to change that and take a break, it would be now at The Bistro. It’s a great time to get out of the office and go and relax in our refreshed, cosy, intimate Bistro and sample some autumnal delights off our new menu. Posted 12/10/21
The last 18 months have been challenging for the conferencing industry and lockdown found us sitting at our improvised desks, communicating through virtual realms, trying to juggle the narrative of life and work in the same environment. Posted 9/9/21
Are you eating or providing the right food when you attend a meeting, conference or event? Did you know that nutritive food is key to making the most out of the session to sustain your focus, engagement and productivity?
When it comes to exhibitions, they are a great way of networking and building relationships with new and existing companies. However, organising one may not be as easy as you think, so we are going to take you through our top 10 tips for organising a great exhibition.
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